This was a joke zine we did, after argung with DeadMellox on Twitter. He seemed to think that 'TeamGhostShell' was superior, with its overuse of skid tools and long-winded chest-beating at the beginning of all their zines. He told us to go hack Mongolian kindergartens, so we did just that. Since a lot of his objection to us seemed to be based on style, we decided to parody his utterly godawful zine style for the sole purpose of making him cry like a little bitch. As far as any of us can tell, it worked. Less than an hour after the fake zine originally went up, he deleted all tweets mentioning us and refused to engage further. Many eagles cried that night, and for that, we are proud. Unfortunately, after seeing our parody zine, DeadMellox saw fit to change his style. He went from writing 15-20 paragraphs of shit nobody is ever going to read about his e-peen, followed by paste links to the data people care about in the most inconvenient way imaginable, to 30-40 paragraphs of shit nobody is ever going to read about his e-peen, followed by paste links to the data people care about in the most inconvenient way imaginable.